Billets et dates de FUTURE CONDITIONAL

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Plus d'informations à propos de FUTURE CONDITIONAL

Past imperfect. Present tense. The Old Vic presents Future Conditional, a bracingly topical and boisterously funny new play directed by Matthew Warchus and starring Rob Brydon, with a cast of 23 young performers. Future Conditional tackles the conundrum of British schooling through a myriad of characters including parents, teachers, and Alia, a prodigiously clever young Afghan refugee and the newest member of Britain's Education Research Board. Alia has a radical solution for Britain's schools that could restore our place in the world education league. But is the system ready to take lessons from a schoolgirl..? Written by acclaimed playwright Tamsin Oglesby (The Mouse and His Child, Really Old Like 45), Future Conditional proves that when it comes to education, we've all got a lot to learn.
A ú1 restoration levy (collected on behalf of the theatre) appears as part of the ticket cost. FUTURE CONDITIONAL Previews: Tuesday 1 - Wednesday 8 September Booking Period: Tuesday 1 September - Saturday 3 October 2015 Running Time: To be confirmed