Brian Butterfield's Call Of Now Entrades

Corn Exchange, Cambridge.

Sisplau, tingues en compte: Els tiquets següents s'han llistat per revenda per clients que ja no poden assistir a aquest esdeveniment.
Brian Butterfield's Call Of Now

Brian Butterfield's Call Of Now - Entrades de revenda

Aquestes entrades s'han posat a la venda per part de clients que ja no poden assistir a l'esdeveniment. Abans de comprar aquestes entrades, consulta els termes, condicions i restriccions d'aquest esdeveniment.

La informació de l'espectacle es pot consultar a continuació i a la pàgina principal de venda d'entrades de l'esdeveniment.

Nota: un 10% la tarifa de revenda s'afegirà a aquesta comanda.

Tipus d'entrada Cost
2x TIERED SEATING [T/S - TIERED SEATING - Row: XB Seats: 17-18] £56,00

Cost original per 2 entrades
£56,00 (valor nominal £50,00)

2x PREMIUM SEATING [F/S - FLAT FLOOR SEATING - Row: B Seats: 14-15] £67,20

Cost original per 2 entrades
£67,20 (valor nominal £60,00)

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Brian Butterfield's Call Of Now

 September (and a bit of October) 2023 was an important month in the world of business, as Brian Butterfield made his live stage debut, imparting all his business knowledge from his decades spent within the business world working as everything from Lord Mayor’s Croupier to Circus Horse Dentist. Over 10,000 people attended his sold out wave of seminars from Exeter to Glasgow, keen to learn the secrets of success from one of the UK’s titans of business.


Demand for the return of Brian and his tell-all business seminar has been phenomenal, and alongside the previously announced show at the Eventim Apollo, London on 14th June 2024, Brian is once again heading out to reach the masses with his CALL OF NOW tour. Brian believes that every failure is just an opportunity to learn a new lesson. Having opened, and closed several businesses, Brian has learnt over 1000 lessons. And most importantly, the secrets to success.

This is a once in lifetime opportunity (for Brian).