The Felice Brothers Entrades

Hare & Hounds, Birmingham.

Només per a majors de 14 anys. Els menors d'entre 14 i 16 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No es farà cap reemborsament per a les entrades reservades incorrectament.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
GENERAL ADMISSION £24,64 (£22,00)

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Més informació sobre els tiquets de The Felice Brothers

1. Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the promoters. This ticket must be surrendered to the promoters upon request.

2. Your ticket/s are sold by the promoters directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by business or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale will be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.