The Australian Pink Floyd Entrades

Derngate Theatre, Northampton.

The Australian Pink Floyd

Els menors de 14 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No s'emetrà cap reemborsament a menors de 14 anys que no vinguin acompanyats d'un adult.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat Ubicació del seient
STANDING £40,70 (£35,00)
SEATS £37,95 (£32,50) Currently unavailable
SEATS £54,45 (£47,50)
Includes: -A general admission standing ticket for The Australian Pink Floyd Show -Watch the band soundcheck on stage with an exclusive track performed for VIP customers -Enjoy a pre-recorded virtual backstage stage tour whilst remaining at the barrier at the front of the stage -Elevate the experience with a Q&A session after the soundcheck and virtual tour -Commemorate this VIP experience with a limited-edition pin badge set -Receive a 2024 tour art print and VIP laminate lanyard *There will be no physical access to the stage or backstage area during this experience

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Derngate Theatre

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