Richard Thompson Entrades

Royal Albert Hall, London.

Els menors de 14 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No s'emetrà cap reemborsament a menors de 14 anys que no vinguin acompanyats d'un adult.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
FRONT ARENA SEATS £95,20 (£85,00) Contact venue for tickets
REAR ARENA SEATS £84,00 (£75,00) Contact venue for tickets
STALLS SEATS £84,00 (£75,00) Contact venue for tickets
FRONT CIRCLE SEATS £70,00 (£62,50) Contact venue for tickets
REAR CIRCLE SEATS £56,00 (£50,00) Contact venue for tickets
Royal Albert Hall

Quan proporcionem un pla de distribució de seients, ens esforcem per mostrar la informació correcta. Tanmateix, no podem garantir l'exactitud d'aquests plans en cas de produïr-se canvis específics a curt termini o al recinte per exigències de producció. Generalment, els plans de sdistribució de seients es propocionen només com a guia i no són una representació exacta de la distribució dels seients al recinte.

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Richard Thompson

For events with no age limit, under 14's must be accompanied by an adult. For standing concerts, under 14's must purchase a seated ticket.

If you are lucky enough to look under 25 you will be asked for I.D to purchase alcohol. The venue reserves the right to refuse service.

The venue is home to a wide variety of restaurants and bars and encourages advanced booking to guarantee a space.

The Hall also offers guided tours of the building and box customers can even order food and drink to be delivered to their private box before arrival. Find out more here.

Richard Thompson is one of this country's greatest songwriters and most distinctive guitar virtuosos, capable of breathtaking drama and sublime delicacy, prompting Rolling Stone to hail him as 'a perennial dark-horse contender for the title of greatest living rock guitarist.' His songs have been covered by everyone from Alison Krauss to Robert Plant.

This date is part of a national tour linked to the September release of his new album 13 Rivers, which features the Electric Trio - his most thrilling and adventurous band

'Richard Thompson put on a show of mercurial mood swings and consistent brilliance - it was a show of pure magic from start to finish' (*****Times)

'Richard Thompson is an extraordinary guitar player, probably the best this country has produced, an utterly sui generis talent' (****Independent)