Nirvana UK + Support Entrades

Concorde 2, Brighton.

Nirvana UK + Support

Els menors d'entre 14 i 15 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No es farà cap reemborsament per les entrades reservades incorrectament.

Tipus d'entrada Cost (valor nominal)? Quantitat
GENERAL ADMISSION £19,70 (£17,00)

Comissions de maneig i dnviament poden aplicar-se a la teva comanda.  

Més informació sobre els tiquets de Nirvana UK + Support

        Black Rabbit Production Presents. 

Nirvana UK

We are delighted to be bringing back Nirvana UK back to Concorde2 in 2024

Nirvana UK are a Nirvana tribute band that are based in the west midlands, and are formed of die hard Nirvana fans who love nothing more than re-creating Nirvana's live music and look. The band strive to be as close to the real deal as possible. Including the same clothes, instruments, effect boxes, drums and pre amps that the band used, to ensure they re-create the distinctive Nirvana sound. Playing all the iconic Nirvana classics. A great show for any Nirvana and grunge fan!