Meteor Airlines - Berber Rock from Morocco Biglietti

The Invisible Wind Factory, Liverpool.

Tipo di biglietto Costo (valore nominale)? Quantità
GENERAL ADMISSION £22,00 (£20,00)

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Più informazioni su Meteor Airlines - Berber Rock from Morocco biglietti

Meteor Airlines is a Moroccan rock band from the region of Tinghir in the southeast of Morocco. Their music can take several forms from calm acoustic melodies to heavier sounds and could be categorized under what they created and called Amazigh Rock, in which the themes are related to Moroccan Amazigh history, values, customs, and global challenges.

The band's commitment to their cultural roots is evident not only in their music but also in their visual identity. They are known for donning "Azennar," traditional cloaks, which add a distinctive and authentic touch to their appearance. Their lyrics are primarily in their mother tongue, Tamazight, underscoring their dedication to preserving and celebrating their heritage through their art.

For the first time, Meteor Airlines is set to bring their unique sound to the UK. They are scheduled to perform at the Invisible Wind Factory in Liverpool, 13th of July 2024, marking a significant milestone in their musical journey. This event is an exciting opportunity for UK audiences to experience the rich, culturally infused rock music of Meteor Airlines, a band that not only entertains but also educates and connects listeners to the Moroccan Amazigh culture.