James Tickets

P&J Live, Aberdeen.


14+ nur im Stehbereich, 0 bis 13-Jährige müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden. Nicht korrekt gebuchte Tickets werden nicht rückerstattet.

Tickettyp Kosten (Ticketpreis)? Menge Platzposition
JAMES GOLD SOUNDCHECK & MERCH EXPERIENCE STANDING £134.25 (£122.50) Currently unavailable
One standing general admission ticket to watch James live Gain early access to the venue to watch an exclusive soundcheck performance of 3 songs James will take part in a question and answer session after the soundcheck An exclusive tour gift, chosen for VIP guests A collectable tour laminate and lanyard A recycled cotton tote bag
JAMES GOLD SOUNDCHECK & MERCH EXPERIENCE SEATED £146.75 (£135.00) Currently unavailable
One premium reserved ticket to watch James live Gain early access to the venue to watch an exclusive soundcheck performance of 3 songs James will take part in a question and answer session after the soundcheck An exclusive tour gift, chosen for VIP guests A collectable tour laminate and lanyard A recycled cotton tote bag
JAMES SILVER SOUNDCHECK EXPERIENCE STANDING £114.25 (£102.50) Currently unavailable
One standing general admission ticket to watch James live Gain early access to the venue to watch an exclusive soundcheck performance of 3 songs James will take part in a question and answer session after the soundcheck
JAMES SILVER SOUNDCHECK EXPERIENCE SEATED £126.75 (£115.00) Currently unavailable
One premium reserved ticket to watch James live Gain early access to the venue to watch an exclusive soundcheck performance of 3 songs James will take part in a question and answer session after the soundcheck
STANDING £60.25 (£52.50)
SEATS £74.00 (£65.00)
SEATS £60.25 (£52.50)
SEATS £45.95 (£39.50)
NEW STUDIO ALBUM CD £10.00 (£10.00)
James are proud to announce their 17th studio album + a UK arena tour with Razorlight as Special Guests. Following on from a hugely successful 40th Anniversary year, the band will head out on a run of dates in June next year which includes the Co-Op Arena in their hometown of Manchester, and culminates at London's 02 on 15th June.James are proud to announce their 17th studio album + a UK arena tour with Razorlight as Special Guests. Following on from a hugely successful 40th Anniversary year, the band will head out on a run of dates in June next year which includes the Co-Op Arena in their hometown of Manchester, and culminates at London's 02 on 15th June. Price for CD includes P&P. Your album will be shipped separately to your ticket order after the release date which is still TBC. Any issues regarding your album should be directed to customerservice@tmstor.es

Please note this is not an event entry ticket. This can only be purchased with an admission ticket to the show.

Gain early access to the venue to watch an exclusive soundcheck performance of 3 songs James will take part in a question and answer session after the soundcheck An exclusive tour gift, chosen for VIP guests A collectable tour laminate and lanyard A recycled cotton tote bag

Zusätzliche Gebühren können bei Ihrer Order auftreten.  

P&J Live

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