Dirty DC - The best of Brian & Bon Billets

Concorde 2, Brighton.

Dirty DC - The best of Brian & Bon

Les personnes entre 14 et 15 ans doivent être accompagnés d'une adulte. Aucun remboursement ne sera accordé en cas d'erreur de réservation des billets.

Type de billet Prix (tarif hors frais)? Quantité
GENERAL ADMISSION £19,70 (£17,00)

Des frais de traitement et de livraison peuvent s'appliquer à votre commande  

Plus d'informations sur les billets Dirty DC - The best of Brian & Bon

Black Rabbit Productions Presents

Dirty DC - The best of Brian & Bon


2024 sees DIRTY DC about to embark on their 26th year of touring - firmly establishing themselves as one of the top tribute bands in the UK.The last few years DIRTY DC has gone from strength to strength playing SOLD OUT shows around the UK and beyond.In 2019, the band added a new dimension and drafted in Sean Mulvihill from the States to perform the part of Bon Scott.Sean is often regarded as the world’s No.1 Bon Scott impersonator and 2024 will see even more Bon Scott/Brian Johnson shows.I must see for any AC/DC and rock fans!