City Dog Entrades

New Cross Inn, London.

City Dog

Els menors d'entre 14 i 16 anys han d'anar acompanyats d'un adult. No es farà cap reemborsament per les entrades reservades incorrectament.

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Més informació sobre els tiquets de City Dog

New Cross Live and Whispering Pines Collective present

City Dog from Brighton, UK are stamping their boots towards the front of the Brighton punk scene. Having supported the likes of Buzzcocks, Surfbort and Wytches, City Dog are recognised for their fierce live shows, being known for “Turning a mosh pit into an absolute frenzy.” In good Brighton fashion, City Dog merge grunge and punk with odd scales and aggressively catchy choruses. City dog have previously worked in the studio with Kristen Bell of The Wytches and Dom Keen of Death in Vegas, However their upcoming and latest offering was recorded in the state of the art new Brighton based space “Salvation Studios”

+ supports

The Paris Match 

Monday 10th June 2024
New Cross Inn
Doors 6pm
Tickets £8 ADV STBF