Stereo, Glasgow.


Cet événement est réservé aux personnes de plus de 18 ans. Aucun remboursement ne sera accordé aux personnes de moins de 18 ans.


Type de billet Prix (Hors frais)? Quantité
GENERAL ADMISSION £16,50 (£15,00) Billets non disponibles

Plus d'informations sur les billets BXRRELL

BXRRELL (pronounced buhRELL) consists of YouTube and social media rock sensation Sophie Burrell, Sped Spedding and Simon Uselis.

Think pop-rock with emo edges, reminiscent of Paramore circa 2013 and present-day hypnotic Billie Eillish hooks, packed with scathing drumbeats and simmering guitar riffs that ascend and circle back on themselves, hell-bent yet triumphant.

Their debut single 'Dare To,' released on the 24th February 2023, is a battlecry for listeners to unapologetically claim their self-worth and flaunt it with a healthy dose of attitude and eyeliner.

As a fearless musical virtuoso in her own right, Sophie is one of the world's most watched guitarists, with a collective online following of over 2 million. Her earliest guitar influences include the likes of Slash, Alter Bridge and Nirvana. When asked about the main themes of her songwriting, Sophie said: "Mental health is a big one. Reflecting on painful experiences through writing helps me process how I can grow and learn from them. Followed by self-love, knowing your worth and spreading a message of empowerment