Andrew Cushin Acoustic Biglietti

The Boileroom, Guildford.

Andrew Cushin Acoustic
Tipo di biglietto Costo (valore nominale)? Quantità
GENERAL ADMISSION £17.00 (£15.00)

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Più informazioni su Andrew Cushin Acoustic biglietti

When a 21-year-old songwriter is heralded as a major new talent by two icons of British music, it’s time to take note. Noel Gallagher has not only championed the young Geordie, but he also produced and played guitar on his track‘Where’s My Family Gone’. Pete Doherty is similarly enamoured by Andrew’s flair for creating big anthems from songs which explore hefty social issues; first signing Andrew to his Strap Originals label and then taking him on tour with The Libertines.

Andrew Cushin’s songs are full of astute observations and honest meditations about life’s day-to-day tribulations. But despite the weight of the subject matter, his music possesses a tangible sense of hope too. He’s the product of his upbringing Newcastle, and fittingly the city is embracing him as one of their own.